Saturday, April 21, 2012

Pinterest for Small Business

There's a lot out there about how useful Pinterest is for small businesses. And it is. However, what isn't covered and should be is how useful Pinterest is for a small consulting business like mine. As a completely graphic oriented ADD individual, I've found Pinterest to be the perfect means of capturing data and storing for later use. Specifically, I just started collecting business strategy graphics that I use as visual cues for my business and a means of organizing my thoughts and for planning future actions. To that end, I've created the following board:

It's a wonderful tool that allows me to collect on the go and save to a single location for later reading. What's even cooler is that the location I found the graphic is automatically attached. I use it for myself and point potential clients to them. It' working so well that I'm starting a few more next week: Book collection with images of books I use, need and refer to, hotels I'd recommend while traveling etc...

If you have any other ideas about Pinterest and consulting, please let me know.

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