Tuesday, November 19, 2013


and why should we as business strategist and marketers care?

Photo courtesy of Art Donovan
Imagine the Victorian world where science was new and anything was possible, where dirigibles floated overhead, steam powered locomotives raced to the moon, and no left home without top hat or corset. Now imagine if one of those Victorians, perhaps Jules Vernes, got his hands on an iphone. 

This is Steampunk, the world re-imagined where designers, inventors of yesterday mash with today, where iphones have levers, computers are built using mahogany panels and wrought iron trim, a world where apps run on pocket watches and microprocessors hide in neatly trimmed top hats. Enter a fun world where the best of two worlds separated by over a century, combine into a wonderful new world, a world that IBM trend-watchers believe is poised to become mainstream, or at the very least, influence mainstream trends, and marketers should take note.

Stroll through the links below to better understand the trend and the aesthetic, for evidence of its current and potential popularity, discover opportunities, and grab hold of this new trend before your competitors do. 

Welcome to STEAMPUNK!


Note Steampunk bar and restaurant design as evidence of financial faith in movement. Also, note that steampunk design encompasses Craftsman, Art Deco (Ar Nouveau) design periods. There’s even a Steampunk (move over seven of Nine) Hottie, “Steampunk Kato”.


Steampunk/ PBS

Steampunk in Oxford


“Just Like a Chap”

“Brown Cup of Joy”

“Let Me Smoke My Pipe”

“Steampunk Revolution”

Abney park

Zuit suit riot


Art Donovan Blog  http://artdonovan.typepad.com

Art Donovan website:  www.donovandesign.com



The Wheel

IBM Trend-Watchers Claim Steampunk will become Mainstream by end of 2013:

Thursday, November 14, 2013

If Tesla had to Pith to VCs Today

For anyone who's ever pithed a revolutionary idea, consider this quote, attributed to Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz, the Swiss-American naturalist:

 “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self­evident.”

 and this video: