Friday, November 21, 2014

Older Entrepreneurs in America

"15 there's still time for you, time to buy and time to lose" are haunting lyrics from the song "100 years" by Five for Fighting. And so applicable to the entrepreneurial world and life in general. Time to lose means time to recover.  And in America, any financial disaster is survivable with enough time. But how much time is enough. Surprisingly little I've discovered.

At 25, working as an oil industry paleontologist, I was offered a chance to invest in an oil well that a geology school buddy and wildcatter was drilling. It was only $7,000 for a potential 12 feet of pay and substantial returns. I looked over the science and invested immediately. A few days later, the well not only hit the 12 feet, but another 20 feet in addition. I was buying a house with that $7,000 investment! The next morning, unfortunately, my buddy called with the bad news. The well was tight, that is the oil couldn't be recovered and I lost my investment.

No big deal, I was young, earning cash, and had no dependents or heavy debts of any kind. I asked my buddy to let me know if another play came available. I had time to not only recover, but do it again.

Fast forward to August 28th, 2005 at age 45. After shuttering my paleontological consulting firm, due to an industry downturn, I had just literally shuttered my new tea and spice business, profitable after only 12 months in business, preparing to weather Hurricane Katrina. Twenty four hours later, I was ruined, like the city. What was I to do, aged 45. Did I have time to lose at this age.

Turns out I did. I reapplied my small business expertise, my consulting expertise and knowledge of species competition into a business strategy consulting firm that focused on competitive analysis.  It wasn't easy. There was a bankruptcy and a MS degree in Technology Commercialization earned along the way. But, unlike in many other nations, I wasn't punished for failing and recovered. And I'm looking forward to my next endeavor that launches next Spring and promises to earn me a bundle - again.

Critical at any age, is understanding the entrepreneurial process to avoid wasting time and money. GJC Business Strategy Consulting is dedicated to helping you successfully navigate through your next venture - at any age.

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