Friday, July 13, 2012

Business Intelligence, A No Brainer.

Technology Commercialization specialist is a professional best adapted to working with new products, product realignment and my favorite, startups. The profession and degree was created in response to recognition that many C-level executives failed to understand the entire product to market process and all the complex sub processes required to successfully travel the long tedious road. The fact that technology products now have life cycles of less than 18 months made a keen understanding of this all the more critical.

A recent conversation with a research business strategist at Research Edge provided me with example and desire to write this. As a Technology Commercialization expert, I was more than aware of the need for a detailed market and location analysis. But in todays very rapidly changing world, new tools are appearing daily. So fast, in fact, that many academic institutions aren’t able to keep up.  Research Edge was way ahead of me in this field and, as a technology commercialization expert, I’m putting them on top of my marketing go to list. Very impressed!

Building a great company or product is a complex business, more so today than at any time in the past. It takes experts in so many fields to align, produce, package and deliver any product or service that a solo operation is laughable. You don't go to war alone and you definitely don't want to go in blind. You need all the intelligence you get your hands on long before committing the entire operation. I mean honestly,  the commanders of Operation Endring Freedom didn't forego the satellite imagery as too expensive before sending in the troops. The risks were too high. 

The same goes for your business. And the first place to start is an alignment specialist that knows who is needed and when. 

So, adding to my dream team would be Zande+Newman for branding and Research Edge for all information gathering needs from market to location and more. The commanders of Operation Enduring Freedom ate still not available. More specialists to come.

Here's a great related video from Youtube:

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