If you're an entrepreneur you've probably noticed that most people don't think like you. Or more correctly stated, you don't think like most people. By example, when a new venture is proposed, most folks will see every reason imaginable why it can't work. The actually pride themselves on their ability to see the downside of anything as if this is some sort of entrepreneurial skill. Based on their vetting process they appear to be looking for the one venture where the path is clear, the risk is zero and the workload minimal. Or as I like to say, Unicorn hunting. And like unicorns, they don't exist.
File:DomenichinounicornPalFarnese.jpg{{PD-old-100}} – for works in the public domain
because their copyright has expired in countries and areas
copyrighting works for life plus 100 years or less. |
The problem with most people, these pseudo-entrepreneurs in particular, is that they fear the hard work and risk required to build a business. True entrepreneurs look at what most people see as an obstacle as an opportunity. Some even thrive, seek out, and absolutely love onerous regulations as this tends to frighten off competition. Where one person thinks about how impossible it would be to mitigate the risk and comply with regulations of a toxic cleanup business, others see an opportunity to charge a surcharge and know the competitive field will be small increasing the margins even more.
Our team thrives on a challenge and our members have been chosen to tackle the varied challenges needed to thrive, the same challenges that scare off the average joe and pseudo-entrepreneur. We're fastidious in understanding a product and its place in the competitive landscape and fearless in executing ones we've vetted. Missing pieces are just that, a piece to be secured and added to our tool belt.
So the next time you're in the latest quasi-governmental or non-profit "here's how to think outside the box" group or consulting with business guru of the day, listen for ques. Are they fearful? Are they quick to dismiss an idea because of competition, regulation or even workload? If so, recognize that they are looking for the mythical unicorn and overlooking an ACTUAL extremely rare and fearless unicorn, you.