If you're under 30, you no doubt have heard this a few times in your career. I did as a young paleontologist and I bristled every time I heard it. At 54, I have to admit that there is a lo to be said for experience. But I try never to use that damned expression. And for all you young whipper snappers out there, I'd like to say, "YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY YOUR DUES!" Not if you lower the testosterone level, cut the caffeine consumption and simply ask the older workers around you what they think. They paid the dues for you, if you're smart enough to tap into that. They've made the journey, know the paths and where the mines are laid.
For you older guys and gals out there, listen to the younger guys. Don't be intimidated by the new information or technology they bring to the table. They came to you for a reason. Let your long hard time in the industry help channel those young high energy efforts. Support them, don't pound them into the pavement to cover your fear of having to learn a new tool. After all, you may not have to learn anything. You just have to supplement what's new with your hard earned experience. Lean on each other.
What's critical is that young energy armed with new technology and seasoned older workers recognize the talents of each and connect. Folks, old and young, who can do that are a rare subset. Work hard to find each other.